Improving the Lives of dogs one session at a time
Myotherapy is a form of therapy used to treat and prevent soft tissue pain and restricted joint movements caused by muscle or myofascia dysfunction. We mainly deal with chronic, ongoing compensatory issues due to conditions such as repetitive strain caused by jumping for example, injuries or surgical procedures. Pain could also be a trigger for behavioural issues.We use a broad range of massage techniques, and can advise you on how to manage your dog's needs on a daily basis whether it is around the house, exercise (indoors or outdoors) and massage techniques.
Galen Myotherapy treatment can not be applied without your veterinary consent as per The Animal Welfare Act 1966 - The Veterinary Surgery (exemptions) Order 1962 (no 2557) no 4(a)
We work with your dog and with you to create a happier and healthier life! Movement is the key.
Also known as phototherapy, it is a non thermal process where light interacts with chromophores leading to a physical and photochemical reactions in many tissues (E.C. Leal-Junior et al.)
Photizo is often used for acute pain relief in case of arthritis flare-up or in the case of "overdoing it" during a walk, as well as having a calming effect.
Reflexology has been used on humans for a long time with great benefits. Pressure on particular areas of the paws and ears would negate pain/discomfort in another area in the body.
It has been shown that dogs could also benefit from this therapy. The map of the dog's paw is not so dissimilar from the human's foot. We would also apply this therapy on the ears.
It is a non-invasive therapy used to stimulate cells. It is used as a pain relief, helps with soft tissue injuries, and reduces inflammation.It could benefit dogs suffering with the following conditions: -
Robert Falconer-Taylor has kindly agreed for us to share his posts on chronic pain